

How do you get hired to direct at TRP?

Enter the Pool

Rather than seeking individual directors for individual directing projects, TRP invites folks who are a good fit for the theater’s current and future needs to join a “POOL” of directors. This invitation is based on skill, experience, aligned values, and the overall “mix” of skills and lived experience in the current pool. Our Director’s Pipeline committee evaluates submissions, meets with potential directors, views the (elsewhere) produced work of potential directors, and recommends invitation into the POOL.


Annual Invitation to Pitch

Once you are part of the POOL, you will annually receive an emailed invitation to respond to a “short list” of titles under consideration by our Season Planning Committee. You will be asked to rank the top 3 choices you would be interested in directing and write a brief concept proposal (think elevator pitch – not dissertation) for each of your choices. (You may also defer, if you aren’t available or interested in any of that year’s scripts. You will not lose your spot in the POOL by doing so.)

Season Confirmation

We have more directors in the POOL than shows in the season. Our Season Planning committee looks at all POOL directors who respond and makes final determinations of what TRP will produce in the season and who will be asked to direct each piece. They consider scope of each play (complexity of design, size of cast); the overall flow of the season experience for the audience; availability of specific directors to work on specific scripts in specific slots; rhythms of organizational capacity; etc. The Season Planning committee makes its final Season recommendation to the Board of Directors, who approve the season and authorize staff to initiate contracts with artists.