
The Original Blueprint Mural

Facade postcard

TRP was renting its space in Seven Corners when plans were announced in the early 1980s for a domed stadium to be built nearby. We knew property values would go up, so a search for a new location began. But nothing came close to what we had in this great old building, so the decision was made to stay and we started a capital campaign to purchase and remodel the building.

To promote the campaign, our architect Peter Goelzer, who had worked for Ralph Rapson in the original design of our space, suggested that we paint a blueprint directly on our front wall to dramatize our remodeling plans.

On September 13, 1985, the opening night of Saint Joan and our 34th season, Mayor Donald Fraser threw a big prop light switch to turn on the neon sign at the dedication of the new mural.

Facade_1985nightInteresting facts:

  • Photos of the mural were carried by the newswires at the time and was featured on the cover of the national magazine Theater Crafts.
  • The bottom half of mural was covered with a special “sacrificial” coating for graffiti. But, while every other wall on our building was hit by graffiti, the mural was never touched in its 30+ years.
  • Part of the blueprint was realized with the renovations of our 50th Anniversary in 2001, with an actual glass entryway replacing its own drawing.
  • in “Landmark Murals”, an article in the Minneapolis Star Tribune in October, 2016, James Lileks described it as “ …one of the most venerable pieces of wall art in town…(which has) provided a sense of community…”